Thursday 14 April 2011

Vermont to NY to Vermont

Awoke to a sunny day in White River Junction.
We headed west through Woodstock [not that Woodstock]. There are 3 covered bridges there, the oldest from 1836, one 1877, the other rebuilt in 1969.

We continued on through the mountains, past Killington Ski Resort, very big in Vermont, to Lake George , New York. Lake George is a huge summer tourist destination, tons of boat rentals, motels and amusement parks, most closed this time of year. there is still ice on parts of the lake.It is in Adirondack Park which is huge. Once outside of the resort area it was all hardwood forests and no traffic on narrow 2 lane roads.

We had planned on taking a small ferry from Ticonderoga, back across Lake Champlaine, which is just north of Lake George and runs all the way to the Canada border.

Alas, it was also closed for the season so we had to drive further north to what is shown on the map as a bridge. The bridge has been torn down and is being rebuilt but luckily they have started a free small ferry service until the bridge is finished.

After a 15 minute ferry ride we were once again in Vermont and headed north to Burlington. Found a motel around 4pm.
We are tired of restaurant food so bought a cooked chicken and some potatoe salad at a grocery store and took it back to the room for dinner.