Saturday 9 April 2011

Quebec City April 9, 2011

I picked up the rental car this morning and managed to get back to the hotel, street construction everywhere.
We made our way out of Montreal, heading towards Trois-Rivieres and Quebec.
Followed the GPS , Gladys, all the way. Only mishap occurred in the middle of the Quebec. Gladys said keep left at an intersection so I obeyed . I looked over and saw a car trying to turn into my lane, I was in the oncoming lane! No lines on the road. I managed to reverse and get in the correct lane . Luckily the guy just smiled and didn't give me the finger!
Arrived at our little hotel, Le Maison du Fort, about 3:30. Very cute , 10 rooms, we are the only ones here other than Marielle, the owner.
We got settled, had a glass of wine then went for a walk to find a place for dinner . We ate at Le Lobby, nice little spot. Dinner for two of starter,soup, choice of entre, we chose the filet, desert, coffee and a bottle of wine for $60! Tres bon value.
After dinner we did a little stroll them came back to the hotel only to find I had left my backpack with Karen's insulin kit in the cafe. Raced back and found it still on the floor. Good for the adrenalin!
We met the two resident chats, Piano and something else.

Nice to pet an animal every so often.

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